** CALIBAN Release New Single “Intoxicated” From Upcoming Album ‘Elements’ ————————————————————
CALIBAN are excited to release the first song and video for ‘Intoxicated’ taken from their upcoming album, “Elements”.
Everybody who came out to their highly successful Darkness Over X-Mas Tour could already check out ‘Intoxicated” live.
The video was produced by Iconographic. Check out ‘Intoxicated’ here: https://youtu.be/9iznstzxsMs (centurymedia.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=dcd750dfbc16dd42ca8a312dc&id=8e7db2ca29&e=d426b2e6e7)
“Elements” will be available in the following formats: * Ltd. CD Box Set (including the Ltd. CD Digipak & patch, gym bag, 5 art cards and poster) * Ltd. CD Digipak & patch * Standard CD Jewelcase * LP+CD
Two coloured vinyl options will be available: * 200x neon orange LP+CD via Impericon * 100x mint-coloured LP+CD. Available from the band during live shows / tour
Several bundle options and preorders of “Elements” are already available: caliban.lnk.to/Elements (centurymedia.us13.list-mana